Award Winning Sensory Classes


Choose from our age appropriate classes

(0-4 years)

+ Your class tickets include complimentary access to the cute outdoor play area

A fun different themed activity every week!

Finally! How to Get Your Fun Friendly Weekly Routine Without any awkward social situations or parking access problems, instantly in under 3 minutes - Guaranteed.

Infuse your day with super themed purposeful play!

Immerse yourself in eye popping sensory play sessions, see your little one's mind blown by 7 trays full of top shelf glowing sensory play objects to explore..

From the moment you sit up surrounded in bubbles, parachute and catchy melodies you'll be glad you came because it's exactly the weekly dose of fun, quality social bonding time you really deserve!

This is no ordinary baby and preschool activity, our classes have higher quality resources, catchier original music and most passionate class leaders!'

The sensory classes designed for the super fun factor in mind..we love to entertain!

activities for toddlers

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