✨💖 Open Weekends For Role Play Sessions, & for Weekday Play Classes [Click Here]↗️

Fun 90 minute Open Discovery Play Sessions!

Tickets Going Fast

Bookings For Fri 10th & Sat 11th!

Add Some Play To Your Day

Book Play Session 

Play In The Mini Town

Lovely, Fun Little Learning Experiences Every Time!

Book Play Session 
Book Sensory Classes

Propelling Learning Through Play

Fun imaginary Role play sessions for 0-6 years and children's parties 📅

Let their imaginations light up

💗Discover this fun, unique mini town of play, watch your little one's excitement as they engage in a new and different environment for roles of play, featuring a supermarket shop, animal clinic, builders construction yard, town house, under the sea themed sensory room and outdoor imaginary role play area, take a voyage on the sandpit ship or the climbing frame train?

✔️Educational and social benefits of imagination role play are widely acknowledged by early years experts, regular role play sessions can build their confidence and grow development faster!

Come & Play Today?


Propelling Learning Through Play In A Purposeful Way

➕Our mini Sheffield PlayTown is both an indoor and outdoor play area with 8 areas for you and your children to explore, join in yourself or simply sit back and watch their amazement as they immerse themselves in the themed toys and dress up outfits.

Between sessions we re set our mini PlayTown for the next group of guests, who will not know anyone else has been.

📅 Hop over to the bookings page to see more details and check availability?

We strongly recommend you book online with us, and you are more than welcome to turn up the door but please be aware we may not have space for you on that session. Don't miss out!

⭐We cannot wait to welcome you to our fun Sheffield indoor children's role play area,
we all know children love dressing up and becoming someone new, there are plenty of roles for your children to discover and try out! There’s little surprises for everyone and hopefully some things they and you may not have even thought about before!

Get In Touch